Monday, September 22, 2008

Single-Serving Sites

I'm not in this class, but I'm really interested in the Internet phenomenon of Single-Serving Sites -- or sites that only have one thing on them. It's amazing how popular these seemingly-boring decidedly sparse sites have become., for example, gets thousands of hits a day. Kottke does a really nice compilation of some of the best ones, and you should check it out.


Jenn said...

this is much more interesting than it should have been. makes me wonder why people would take the time to do such things. some of these are handy though. i particularly like the empire state building one.

besako said...

gawd, must stop clicking these link...

why do i keep checking to see if the page is red or if it's blue?

Hopalong said...

These pages remind me a little of, not specifically in being so sparse but in that they make me look for little secrets. was(is) a very cryptic site, with hidden links, secret messages, and indecipherable content in general. It was nearly impossible to see the whole thing in one go, but I spent many an hour "hacking" through the site trying to find what it was all about.