Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Jan Svankmajer

This film is called "Meat Love" (1989).

I have been meaning to post about this animator for a while and after stumbling across this film, right after the eating contest post, I figured now was a good time. I was first introduced to this film maker through the film "Alice" (1988). "Alice" is a surreal and very creepy adaptation of Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" that, like all of the works I've seen by him, mixes live action with stop motion. I have also seen the more recent film "Little Otik" (2000) where a couple who can't have children raise a piece of wood as a child. It is very creative stuff. It is also cool because it uses some very basic filming techniques- stop motion instead of CGI. I used to watch Frog and Toad on PBS as a kid, and Wallace and Grommet, and I guess I miss that way of animating. It was cool because they were actually real... they weren't flat drawings, they had form, like real frogs and real dogs. What do you guys think about different animation techniques? What do you think about this guy's work?

1 comment:

Excaliborn7 said...

Excellent piece. Charming and disturbing at the same time.