Monday, October 6, 2008

speaking of archetypes...

borrowed from

I. Separation / departure

The first section of the story is about the separation of the hero from the normal world. Separation has symbolic echo of infant transition away from the mother and so has a scary feel to it.

I.1 The Call to Adventure
I.2 Refusal of the Call

Acceptance of the Call

I.3 Supernatural Aid
I.4 Crossing of the First Threshold
I.5 Entering the Belly of the Whale

II. Initiation

In the main part of the story the hero is initiated into true heroic stature by various trials and rites. Through daring and battle, the true character emerges.

II.1 Road of Trials
II.2 The Meeting with the Goddess
II.3 Woman as Temptress
II.4 Atonement with the Father
II.5 Apotheosis
II.6 The Ultimate Boon

III. Return

After initiation the hero can cleansed and return in triumph to deserved recognition, although this in itself may not be without its trials and tribulations.

III.1 Refusal of the Return
III.2 Magic Flight
III.3 Rescue From Without
III.4 Crossing of the Return Threshold
III.5 Master of the Two Worlds
III.6 Freedom to Live


Jenn said...

i remember learning this in English in high school.

Excaliborn7 said...

Interesting stuff. Have any of you ever read "The Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell? He was a big proponent of the power of archetypes as well, alog with Carl Jung.