Sunday, February 22, 2009

Frog Jesus

A strange short film by Benjamin Peters. I found the description below on the film's website (

"A nostalgic voyage takes a darker turn, exploring the naiveté of mankind through the eyes of a young boy."

Is it meant to be humorous? A critique of religion, society as a whole?


kristen schaffer said...

Hmm.. that was an interesting little short. I think it does reflect the naivete of the human race- a rather cynical look on the "nature" of religion.

kristen schaffer said...
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Jenn said...

i think it makes the viewer ask "why would your do that to a frog?" which makes the viewer then ask "why did we do that to a man?" i don't know what the answer is and i don't think it tries to give us one. that's why i liked this.

Tyler said...

This is a great short. The matter-of-fact quality of the narration is what does it for me.