Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Video/Audio Matching Perfection

My friend Matt showed me this video and it pertains perfectly to what we are trying to accomplish with our YouTube video collages in class. The video matches the beat and rhythm of the music to a T. The video helps escalate the music as it gets more and more intricate. Michel Gondry directes this music video.

Another video that matches the video directly with the beat is Da Funk by Daft Punk. This video was directed by Spike Jonze.


Excaliborn7 said...

Michel Gondry and Spike Jonze, both are like total geniuses.

coop said...

Wow, that first video is incredible. I can't even comprehend how you would plan and coordinate, let alone execute, something like that.

nĂ³mada. said...

These are too cool for school. My favorite part is when the girl in the store doesn't recognize the guy. How can you forget your ex-neighbor with a dog head? That made me chuckle. And the editing in both of these is simply superb. Thank you so much for posting them!

Excaliborn7 said...

I think that first video is done with some post-production trickery. The backgrounds- I think?!- have some varied but also some looping qualities. And there may also be some animation involved (not sure about that?!). No matter. It pulls off its idea (it's trick) so well. Fabulous.