Sunday, February 8, 2009

Her Morning Elegance

An incredible stop-motion video by Oren Lavie. While I'm not the biggest fan of Lavie's music I'm astounded by the creativity and vision behind this work of art.


Anonymous said...

AMAZING. I get the feeling I can't really write a very thoughtful or particularly articulate comment because I'm still just blown away by this. We've seen both stop-motion and bed-seen-from-above videos and ideas in this blog, and this seems to have taken both to a whole different level of cool. It's raising the bar for anything and everything like this.

LizAlden said...

Oh! I really like the part where she is swimming underwater. The use of clothes and pillows as clouds, fish, birds, etc. is really creative.
I agree with Anne Ominous. It's very cool.

kristen schaffer said...

Visually stunning, I would love to see this cut to more songs, just to see what it would be like. So when do we get to learn how to do stop motion?