Thursday, March 19, 2009

Circuit Bending and Chiptune

Two new music genres all about electronics, deconstructionism and creative re-invention. I think they are fascinating; last semester I tried some circuit bending on some toys I picked up at K-Mart and didn't have too much success with creating new sounds but it was fun nonetheless.

This first video is an overview of Circuit Bending:

And if you doubt the musical potential, check out Chiptune:


Excaliborn7 said...

Cool stuff indeed. Riley, you said you didn't have much success when you tried it. Did you have any? It looks like some of these guys are either electrical engineering geeks or else have pretty extensive equipment that they're using to extract the new "circuit-bent" sounds. Would love to watch this work - and see exactly how it's done- first-hand on a cheap toy from Wal-mart.

Strugglebucket said...

"Grew up with these toys and are now taking them apart" is I think a fantastic summation, or description, of this idea. They're incorporating the past in the present by disassembling and reforming it into something new. That's fantastic. Plus I dig the more musical/melodical sounds of the second video; some of the "noise" (though I'm sure there are those who would argue that it is also melodical) was a little too grating on me.

I also liked the conclusion with the man who wanted this to be a phenomenon not available for the digital elite (nerds in control! yes!) but for even the basics to be taught to others so they can figure some stuff out on their own.